Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet II

VNLUCKY I, vnhappiest on Earth,
That fondly doting vpon dainty witts,
And deepely rauish'd with their luring fitts,
Of gentle fauours find so hard a Dearth.
Is it my Fate, or Fault, that such fine men
Should their Commender fo vnkindly bite?
That looues to looue, in spite of rankeft Spite,
And hates to hate, with Hart, or Tongue, or Pen.
Sweet Writers, as yee couet to be sweet,
Nor me, nor other, nor your selues abuse :
Humanity doth courteously peruse
Ech act of frend, or foe, with fauour meet.
     Foule Diuel, and fouler Malice, cease to raue :
     For euery fault I twenty pardons craue.


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